Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Mayor Bloomberg Limits Sandy Storm Surge to 16 Ounces

(I posted this yesterday, but took it down due to the serious nature of the storm. But after seeing late night comedians making jokes about the storm, I have decided to put this back up, as silly as it is.)

Mayor Bloomberg is holding fast to his drink size limitations, telling Hurricane Sandy she may not have more than 16 ounces in one storm surge. “If I let you do it, then everyone will ask for an exception, and I refuse to do that”, said the mayor. And Bloomberg means business here: He’s declared a state of emergency so that he could call up the National Guard, and he has ordered them to shoot at the storm if it tries to have a larger storm surge than his law allows. So I guess it’s only a matter of time before we see who is more powerful: New York’s billionaire media mogul mayor who washed away term limits, or mother nature.