Friday, November 22, 2013

It’s a Wonderful Life 2

Apparently someone is going to make a sequel to the classic movie It’s a Wonderful Life. Maybe if they’re lucky it will be a complete theatrical flop, like the original, but find popularity eventually on television when it’s free to show, because nobody bothers to renew the copyright, so cheapskate TV stations will run it to save money. (<Yes, that’s really what actually happened with It’s a Wonderful Life, as hard as it is to believe now.)

Oh, but what plot to give the sequel to make sure it is a flop? Well, never fear, for I’m here to help! And obviously, to try to recapture lightning in a bottle, they should use the same story itself, but with a new twist: this time we find out that George Bailey being saved from suicide was just a tease, and he’s really dead after all, and he goes to hell for all eternity. Oh, but that’s not all, for with his death comes the collapse of the Building and Loan, with Potter taking over the whole town, just like in the original movie’s fantasy part, and everyone loses their home in the whole town. And with the middle class destroyed, Potter gets all the money for himself, just like things are nowadays with the 1% getting all the money, and everyone else struggling. So at least it will feel accurate and relatable.

And naturally, the movie should be called: It’s a Wonderful Life 2: It Was a Wonderful Life. And then we’ll all remember how wonderful life used to be here in America, you know, back when we used to be prosperous, with a healthy middle class, before globalization and incompetent, gridlocked government squandered it all.