Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Clone Jury

Ah, yes: the pleasures of jury duty! I’m doing mine now. In spite of our well-respected justice system, it seems that when called to do jury duty, even the most freedom- and justice-loving patriot finds him/herself pining away for the days of justice by way of monarchical fiat; for at least then we didn’t have to do jury duty. Off with his head, so long as I don’t have to take off from work!

And while sitting in a room for hours on end with an anxious mob of people, all of whom had one communal wish: to be allowed to go home or back to work, I found myself thinking of the movie The Island, where futuristic people’s clones live on an island waiting to become unwilling organ donors if anything goes wrong with their original. Yes, perhaps in the future we will have clones for jury duty, and when called for jury service, we could just send them along. Now, wouldn’t that be convenient?

Of course, they might be annoyed with jury duty too, and to get us in trouble, they could just go AWOL, and as they look identical to us, we wouldn’t be able to prove that we weren’t to blame. Oh, but then maybe we could hunt down and kill our disloyal clones and get away with it, because if they won’t recognize the fact that we have a clone, then they can’t very well charge us will killing one, now can they?