Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Touch of Satan

My sister loves Mystery Science Theater 3000, so she was trying to find a good silly movie for her daughter to watch with MST3K. The first one to catch her eye was a movie called The Touch of Satan. She's never seen it, and neither have I, but once her daughter (who is 9 years-old) heard that name, she started trying to postulate what it might be about. So I helped her with this hypothetical scenario, and what we came up with was something like this: Jesus and Satan are in the back seat of a car driven by God on a long drive to visit someone. So Satan keeps annoying Jesus by touching Him, so Jesus says: "Stop touching me!" And God says: "Come on now, Satan; stop touching Him." So Satan keeps on touching Jesus, especially in that light annoying way kids do to each other, and Jesus says: "Stop! Da-a-ad, make him stop!" So God turns and says in a stern voice: "Satan, stop it right now!" But naturally, being all corrupt and evil and stuff, Satan cannot help himself, and he keeps on taunting Jesus with touching him on the arm with his index finger (which probably burns because he's the devil, and although Jesus can just heal Himself, it still hurts). So Jesus yells at Satan: "Stop it!" And God says: "Satan, do I have to pull this car over right now?" And that's what we imagined this movie, The Touch of Satan, would be about. (And seeing as how it's on MST3K, this might be better than the actual movie plot!)