After seeing these two movies, coincidentally on the same night, I remember thinking to myself: "Wow, and to think that all this unpleasantness could have been averted if these two characters only had some Viagra!" And then it hit me: this must be why Viagra is covered under so many health plans (even the ones that refuse to cover women's birth-control pills and abortion services)! The lawmakers saw these movies and figured out that when men can't get it up, a bloodbath is sure to follow, and they knew it would be their fault if it happened. (Plus, apparently ghosts come back and kill the people who killed them, so it's a never-ending cycle of violence! Oh, the humanity! And all because of avoidable impotence!) So they decided to make sure every man can get their hands on Viagra whenever they need it, lest those hands become blood-soaked lethal weapons! And that made me think of another way to advertise Viagra: not just as something that men can use when they want to have intimate contact with their significant other, but as a way to save lives!
Look, we all know most violent crime and murder comes from angry impotent guys, right? These two movies prove it! That's why we must spread the word to make sure men can always get boners, and it will completely get rid of all crime immediately and save countless lives in the process! So this life-saving ad campaign could show the scenes of death and destruction from Ghost Story and Equus, and from other movies where such things happen due to impotence, and then the announcer says that in order to prevent all this needless bloodshed and senseless carnage, men should always be sure they've got plenty of Viagra with them at all times, because you never know when you might need it! (And then they could steal some scenes from the Cialis ads that say anytime could turn into sexy time, but then they could show what happens when it's sexy time, but the man can't get it up: he goes on a killing spree! Aaaaa! Oh, the horror; the horror!) So then they simply say that Viagra saves lives by preventing rampage violence, and the life it saves might be yours! (And at the end of the ad, they could show an old pair of hands opening up a package of LifeSavers candy, but rather than the candy, Viagra pills come out into their hands instead.)