Here’s another example of the AT&T U-verse “kids have it
too easy these days” ad campaign TV spots. I kind of like this idea, basically
using this joke about someone who is still young complaining about how far home
entertainment technology has come in recent years as expository dialogue to
tell us about the features that AT&T offers its customers. It’s cute,
although unfortunately not all of the ads come off as well as they could. (But
this one is pretty cute.)
But what these petulant older kids ought to do, to get
revenge for not having this great stuff when they were younger, is say: “But
you’ll see, this won’t last! The economy is in the crapper, and with America’s
debt crisis mounting up, and with taxes and prices rising dramatically while
the value of the dollar is plummeting, pretty soon we won’t be able to afford
U-verse anymore, and then you’ll be stuck reading boring books again! Mwa ha
ha! You’ll see, just wait!”
Here’s the slumber partying spot: