Saturday, February 16, 2013

NRA (Joke) Assault Rifle Ban Ad

The NRA has made some ads lately pushing back against President Obama’s gun control agenda. And since their ads have not been particularly well-received, especially within the news media set, it doesn’t seem like they could get any more flak than they have been getting. So why not make a fun ad about assault rifles that ridicules the administration in a silly and comedic way, rather than going for worst-case scenarios? And that could be best achieved by using an apocalyptic scenario presented by the government recently.

Yes, during the presidential campaign last fall, during the political conventions, there was a big news story about how FEMA was recommending we all prepare for natural disasters like hurricanes and earthquakes like we’d prepare for a zombie apocalypse. The Department of Homeland Security even made a training video for their employees that showed a zombie apocalypse being put down with assault rifles. So has the government decided they want us to be defenseless against zombies? I’m only asking because assault rifles, the things they want to ban, are what stops the zombies in the government training video.

And so if the NRA used this video in their next ad opposing the assault rifle ban, they could claim that the government wants us all to be killed by zombies, and then suggest that maybe the government made the zombies themselves (because they always do in the movies), and they don’t want us to be able to survive. (Maybe to save money on entitlement spending?) So we’ll all be eaten alive, and all because of President Obama! (Oh, the humanity.)

Hey, it couldn’t get them any worse press than everything else has. So they might as well try it. It couldn’t make them look any sillier than the others they have made recently, could it? And it would probably get everybody’s attention at least.

(BTW: This is just intended as a silly joke. I don’t own a gun, so I have no horse in this race. I think something must be done to address gun violence in America, but I don’t think it will even help much no matter what they do. But the government has been telling us to prepare for a natural disaster like we would prepare for a zombie apocalypse, and I would want an assault rifle with a huge clip for that. In fact, for a zombie apocalypse, I would insist upon having at least one of each. And they’re the ones {Democrats in government, that is!} who brought up the zombie apocalypse scenario, not me! So they opened themselves right up for this one.)

Here is the Homeland Security video about the zombie apocalypse:

And here’s an earlier post of mine on this FEMA zombie apocalypse preparation idea: