Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Oil Industry Blizzard (Joke) Ad

There’s a lot of talk in the media about global warming. I remember back about a decade ago when global warming activists like Al Gore said there would be no more snow by now. Of course it’s exaggerations like this that make it possible for the other side to deny that climate change is occurring. And that idea, I think, would make a great joke ad for an oil or coal company. Here’s how it might work:

After showing brutal footage of the recent New England blizzard, a spokesman for the oil/coal industry (or maybe that blonde lady who wears all black for the Energy Tomorrow ads) would say: “This is what Al Gore and the environmentalists want: they want you all to freeze to death! This blizzard is just the beginning if the oil and coal industries weren’t trying to warm up the Earth so you and your family won’t freeze to death!” Then, over pictures of people enjoying themselves at tropical locations (like in the Sandals resort commercials), the spokesperson says: “Yes, while we’re trying to make the world into a tropical paradise, climate alarmists and environmentalists are trying to turn the Earth into a barren, frozen tundra of a wasteland. And if you buy energy-efficient appliances or hybrid/electric cars, it’s only a matter of time before the next ice age encases all of civilization in newly-formed glaciers. So remember this the next time you think about walking or riding a bicycle: you are dooming your children’s future to a bone-chilling, shivering doom. So support your local hydrocarbon energy company, and have a Piña Colada on the beach in celebration of your children’s future in the warm, life-giving sun! Because after all, a smattering of shattering heat records is far better than the shattering of chattering teeth any day!”

Then, perhaps they could give out coupons for free popsicles and/or ice cream for every full tank of gas everyone buys from now on.