Sunday, February 10, 2013

Fidelity Investments Big Picture Ad

A spokeswoman says: “We know all your investments may not be with Fidelity” in the opening of this new TV commercial for Fidelity Investments. Then she goes on to say that even so, they can still help you see the big picture with the Fidelity Guided Portfolio Summary. But if you’re investing behind their back, isn’t that (Gasp!) infidelity?

Well, I must say, they seem to be taking this revelation that we’re all cheating on them by investing with other financial institutions behind their back pretty well. Or are they? Isn’t it just possible that this “guided portfolio summary” is just a sneaky way for them to spy on what we’re doing with other companies? And then, once they know what we’re up to, that they’ll throw a monkey wrench into our financial dalliances out of jealousy?

Then maybe they could sink our investments to get revenge for us cheating on them with other investment groups. You know the old saying: “Hell hath no fury like a financial institution scorned.” What do you think the Wall St. meltdown was all about anyway? They said it was fraudulent credit default swaps and irresponsible loans to cover their butts, but what it really was was jealous revenge! Yes, with their newer computer networks monitoring everyone’s investments, banks everywhere found out we were all unfaithful to them by investing with multiple banks and brokerage firms, and they got jealous and lashed out with petulant revenge. And that’s why all the banks want to be such huge conglomerates: if they all merge into one entity, it will be impossible for us to get involved with other banks behind their back, and they can own us completely by trapping us in their gilded cage.

Sadly, this commercial is not available to view online from what I can tell. But it’s on TV, so turn your TV on, and don’t look away until you finally see it! You’ll know it because it’s got a blonde woman in a brown dress (I know: a brown dress?) on a white background, and there are tons of computer-generated graphs and charts in green, blue and yellow.