Monday, February 4, 2013

Doritos Fashionista Daddy Super Bowl Ad

In this Super Bowl ad for Doritos, a young girl wants to play dress-up with her father, so she bribes him into it with a big bag of Doritos. And then when his friends come looking for him, this enterprising and well-prepared young lady has squirreled away enough bags of Doritos for all of them, forcing them all to play dress-up with her. (You cannot resist the lure of the Doritos! If Doritos want you to cross-dress, you will cross-dress! It's actually a psychological condition known as "Doritis", and when under its influence, people will do all kinds of things that are out-of-character. And if this young lady was a vicious criminal or terrorist, all of our lives would be in danger! Quick: Ban Doritos, before it's too late!)

Okay, I'm joking about the Doritis condition. But it's a sad comment on our society that these men who naturally have an inclination towards cross-dressing feel like they must set up a situation where they can find an excuse for doing it, like that their daughter gave them Doritos, rather than just being themselves. (Look: we all know the men gave the little girl the Doritos beforehand and then asked her to offer the Doritos back to them so they would have an explanation for when people found out that they were wearing dresses and stuff!) Why can't these men simply admit who they truly are and renounce societal biases?

Well, at least Doritos is casting light on this issue of social acceptance for transvestites: hooray for Doritos! (Oh, whoops: actually, I think they're just further stigmatizing cross-dressing by associating it with fattening snacks. Shame on them for linking freedom of clothing choice with obesity! Now we'll always crave Doritos whenever we dress in drag, and then our dresses won't fit us anymore and we'll have to buy new, bigger ones! In fact, Hey! Is this a conspiracy between dressmakers and Frito Lay to make men who wear dresses fat so they'll have to buy all new dresses, and then they split the profits? I knew it!)

Here's the cross-dressing corn-chip-crunching confidants commercial: