Thursday, February 28, 2013

Gun Trade-Ins

We all know the gun lobby mantra of: “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people.” But they also say that if guns were illegal, murderers would just use something else to kill their victims with. But how can we verify the veracity of this statement?

Well, I think I may have thought of a way we can see if they’re telling the truth. You know how the police have these gun buyback programs from time to time? Well, instead of giving money for the guns, why not trade them in for other lethal weapons that are not guns? Then gun owners could trade their guns in for Samurai swords, chain saws, switchblades, machetes, axes, baseball bats with nails sticking out all over them, big-bladed kitchen knives, Chinese throwing stars, nunchucks, etc. Then the police could just enter data into a spreadsheet over the next decade to see if any of the weapons they traded for guns were used to kill anyone, and that would show if the statement is correct that killers will use other weapons without guns.

Oh, but they’d actually have to come and take everyone’s guns, because we couldn’t be sure that the future murderers would trade in their guns. Hmm, I never thought of that. Oh well, I guess we’re just going to have to take the NRA’s word for it.