Monday, December 17, 2012

Aleve Santa Claus Ad

This spot has been running for a while now. In it, Santa Claus is shown delivering presents, carrying sacks of gifts, etc., and all the while demonstrating that he has back pain. So some thoughtful family leaves out Aleve in lieu of cookies, and so Santa Claus takes it and feels all better. Except that naproxen tends to be bad for one’s stomach, and after all those cookies Santa felt obliged to eat (that’s billions of cookies in one night! No wonder he’s fat!), Santa develops an ulcer and dies, ending Christmas forever! No gifts for anyone anymore on Christmas! (I guess it must have been the Grinch who left them out, huh? I guess the Pop Rocks & Coke didn’t work last time, so he tried this: the fiend!)

Well, maybe after this warning people will have the sense to leave out something else to help Santa’s back pain. Oh, but then I guess someone might leave out some Vicodin for Santa (!). Well, this works on his pain, but pretty soon Santa is a pill-popping addict, and he starts trading everyone else’s presents in for drugs! Oh, but that’s just the beginning, because after all the presents are gone, he starts sliding down everyone’s chimney’s not to bring cheer, but to raid your medicine cabinet! Oh well, I guess maybe the Aleve was a better idea after all. (Just take it with milk, Santa!)

Here’s the addictive ad: