Sunday, December 30, 2012

Senate Prayer

In a CNN show on the fiscal cliff this morning, the show jumped to a live shot of the Senate opening a session, and they showed an opening prayer.

Hey! What happened to the separation of church and state? The government is constantly telling everyone that they can't have public prayers anywhere, not even at graduations, due to the separation of church and state; but then there they are, our own Senate, having a public prayer for themselves on live TV! What a bunch of hypocrites! Unless...

Hey, I'll bet I know what's going on here! It's not that there's a constitutionality issue with regular Americans having a group prayer, it's just that the Senate wants to have God's complete and undivided attention all to themselves. And so by banning others from being allowed to pray, they are making sure that God will only hear their prayer! But if I can see through this ruse as a mere mortal, then surely God sees through this too. And maybe that's why their approval rating is so low (although it's more likely the awful job they're doing).