Monday, December 10, 2012

The Nobel Peace Prize

The EU got the Nobel Peace Prize this year, and CNN International showed three European guys accepting the award today. But don’t you think President Obama should get it again? I think he should get it every year! He could suggest that if they don’t give it to him again, the Nobel people might find a drone targeting them.

And that’s when it hit me: Couldn’t some strong-arm leader threaten the Nobel group into awarding them the Peace Prize? This bully leader could say he ought to get it, because if he doesn’t he’s going to bomb them. And then if they say he doesn’t deserve it, he could say that he doesn’t deserve it yet, because he hasn’t gotten it yet, and if he doesn’t get it, he’ll bomb them and kill them all. Oh, but if he does get it, he won’t bomb anyone, and as such, he will deserve the Peace Prize for not doing it.

Well, it might be hard for the Nobel committee to argue with that logic (as it generally is for groups with no military), and so they might grant it and give it to the bully. Oh, but then word would spread about how this came about, and pretty soon, the worst of the worst terrorists and warlords the world over would start to try the same thing! One guy would threaten them with a dirty bomb, another would threaten a sarin gas attack, and yet another would kidnap their families, and then they’d have to decide who to placate. And then the Nobel Peace Prize could simply become a triage system for trying to avoid the worst attacks, and knuckling under for the ones that would come from the losers. And I can’t think of a more appropriate way for the peace prize founded by the guy who invented the (cumulatively) most lethal weapon of war thus far: TNT.

Hey, come to think of it, where’s the Oppenheimer No Nukes Prize, the Winchester Not Shoot ‘Em Up Prize, etc?