Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Geico Gecko Congressional Speech Ad

This is the Geico commercial where the Geico gecko is giving a speech to an empty house of Congress, and he is surreptitiously broadcast across America, presumably on CSPAN. (That’s funny, because I thought nobody bothered watching that channel. But then again, it might be tolerable only when Congress is out of session.) Well, I have something to say about this ad, which is this:

Hey gecko: we don’t take kindly to foreigners trying to dictate to us how to run our government! Go boss Australia and New Zealand around, you low down, down under type!

This is almost as bad as when Piers Morgan lectures and berates America about our Second Amendment. (While simultaneously rejecting out-of-hand the very idea of news media culpability in spree killings through their wall-to-wall coverage that makes these maniacs into household names overnight: hypocrite.) We all know what he’s up to: He just wants to ban guns in America so England can invade and re-conquer the United States for the crown, grinding us under the tyrannical rule of Robo King George! Oh, but little does he know, but we’ve got our own George Washington Terminator, just waiting for them to try it! (I’m on to these foreign spies and their television-propagated propaganda, man!)

Here’s the gecko’s attempted coup d’état by propaganda speech (The news media is obviously in on it with him! I knew it!):

(Actually, I am an advocate for sensible gun control, similar to Dianne Feinstein’s proposal; but even so, I find Piers Morgan’s immature bullying of gun rights advocates distasteful to the extreme! Acting like he does, I wouldn’t be surprised if he drove most viewers over to the NRA side of the issue simply by virtue of his asinine behavior. If he truly cares about this issue, it is incumbent upon him to stop acting like such a pompous jerk and engage in sane, sensible discourse with the other side, rather than spending all his time yelling at them, interrupting them, insulting and berating them, and incorrectly blaming them for the acts of a handful of psychopaths, and just because they like gun rights. The sooner he realizes this, the sooner he can start to make a difference, rather than being an unintentional punch-line who discredits himself and his own arguments by virtue of his behavior. This is a serious issue: it’s time to act like an adult, don’t you think, Piers? {This recommendation brought to you by a reasonable gun control advocate.})