Saturday, December 15, 2012

Zero Dark Thirty Sequel?

I just saw Zero Dark Thirty. Wow! It’s a masterful film: the best I’ve seen all year, and more. People are going to love this movie, and as a result, as with every other great movie, they’re going to want a sequel. So, what to make the sequel about? Robo bin Laden?

No, I think I have an ever better idea than Revenge of Robo bin Laden! I think Kathryn Bigelow and company should make a movie very much like this about the search for and killing of Ayman al-Zawahiri, and call it: Zero Dark Thirty-Two. They could say it’s based on first-hand accounts of actual events, just like Zero Dark Thirty was, and when it comes out and everyone sees it, Ayman al-Zawahiri and his network will get mad and say the movie is lying, that Zawahiri is still alive, because here he is! And then he’ll come out into the open, and we can take him out with a drone strike. That would make it worth the $40 Million to make the movie, wouldn’t it? (Can you believe Kathryn Bigelow made Zero Dark Thirty for only $40 Million? It’s a better movie than others costing ten times as much!)