Friday, December 28, 2012

Mayan Temple Damaged by End of World Partiers

An ABC News story today claims that revelers celebrating the "end of the world" have irreparably damaged an important Mayan temple in Tikal in Guatemala. Truly this is a tragic loss to all of humanity, as it is whenever any ancient monuments are damaged or destroyed. But to be fair to the drunken revelers who damaged the historic site, they did think it was going to be the end of the world, so they figured it wouldn't make any difference if they damaged something that wasn't going to exist any longer than a few more hours. And when you think about it, isn't it really the Maya's own fault for making everyone think the world was going to end? I mean, it's upsetting for something like this to happen to the Maya's site, but maybe next time, if they want people not to damage their stuff like this, they ought to stop doing the doomsday predictions, or at the very least, say some other ancient culture predicted it so everyone will go damage that culture's ancient temples instead. If they really could see the future, they would have known that.

Here is the sad story (which, despite my joking about it here, really is a drag, because it can't be fixed):