Saturday, December 8, 2012

Hult Business School Skydiving (?) Ad

In this ad for Hult Business School, they say: “The world needs people with a different perspective.” And then we see some people in business attire apparently falling out of the sky with briefcases, etc. Now, I know this is supposed to give us a “the sky’s the limit” type of message, but all it made me think of was this: “Oh my God! They’re jumping to their deaths out of airplanes! Is it their massive student loan debt from going to Hult Business School? Is it that they can’t find a job after completing business school? And don’t they teach people to wear a parachute when skydiving?” I know that’s not what I’m supposed to be thinking about when I see their ad, but if I’m thinking about it, it probably means other people will think this stuff too, so maybe the commercial could use a little tweaking? Perhaps?

Here’s the plummeting pitch: