Sunday, December 23, 2012

Southwest Airlines Garden Ad

I just saw a new TV commercial for Southwest Airlines where they show a bunch of Southwest employees helping people with a flower garden, and then the slogan is: "We do some of our best work on the ground." Um, is that just a roundabout way of saying they aren't very good at flying? And are they trying to distract us from thinking about that issue? That's kind of the impression it gave me.

I'm sorry, but I can't seem to find this ad online, and when I look for it on YouTube, it seems like Google has injected their new screwed up search results logarithm that gives you stuff you weren't looking for, and that aren't at all related to the wording you typed in, like they have on the Google search engine these days. (You know, like the Bing ads that say: "Scroogled". And when Microsoft can feel confident enough to point fingers at another company about screwing people up, there might be something wrong.) I wish they would fix that. But I guess there are other search engines we can use, if they really want to drive us away... (Between inaccurate search results and the new breed of self-expanding Internet ads {the new version of the pop-up ad that's even more annoying}, surfing the web has become far more tedious than it's been for years.)