Friday, August 29, 2014

Accuse Russia of Invading: The Video Game

Wow, this is such a great video game! I just got it today when I heard about it on the news from Sergei Lavrov, when he said aerial photographs of Russian troop incursions into Ukraine were “from a video game.” I just had to play that game!

And man, it’s a totally awesome game! You can fake satellite photography of troop buildups and invasions across borders, make phony videos of Russian troops, tanks and heavy artillery driving down the road on any street available to Google Earth, and it has totally photorealistic characters who claim to have seen Russian military incursions into whatever country you want it to look like they’re invading. It’s fun for the whole family!

It’s the most fun way to get Russian officials to deny an invasion! Get yours today!

Sorry, it’s not available on GameFly yet, so order yours today at