Thursday, August 28, 2014

President Obama Wins Nobel War Prize

He’s already got a Nobel Peace Prize. But now, with his decisive response to ISIS and the crisis in Ukraine, President Obama has won the coveted Nobel War Prize! But, like with the Nobel Peace Prize, he hasn’t actually done anything yet to deserve it. But hey: at least maybe he’ll earn that earlier Peace Prize by doing nothing while everyone else fights it out to the death on their merry way to World War III. Or maybe he’ll earn the War Prize by getting us stuck in another war? (Gee, I wonder if by then the president will have a strategy yet?*)

* (Today President Obama had a press conference to announce that we have no strategy yet. Wow, what a relief to know they have no idea what the hell to do about anything!)

Here’s the as yet undetermined story they needed a press conference to tell us about:

Hey, maybe he’s trying to keep all of our enemies guessing until they have panic attacks?