Monday, August 25, 2014


NyQuil now sells ZzzQuil: a syrup of the dopey sleepy drug, but without the cold stuff. And the ads show people sleeping and lightly snoring (hence the “Zzz” name), so I thought maybe they could make a new product called SnorQuil, where it makes you snore loudly and relentlessly when you sleep.

There are so many products being advertised that claim to help us stop snoring, but where are all the products that make us snore if we want to? Surely someone wants something like that, right? I mean, you could take it after you argue with your spouse to get back at them and keep them up all night, or if you have a feud with someone next door to you in an apartment building, you could keep them awake every night with your constant loud snoring, while you get peaceful, restful sleep. Who wouldn’t want to buy a product like that, you know, just in case the need arises, or simply for the novelty value?