Thursday, August 21, 2014

Dr. Who Police Box TARDIS 4G Wireless Network Ad

Recently Robot Chicken had a sketch about the nerd getting a ride in Dr. Who’s TARDIS and finding it lame, and when I saw that, I thought: “Wow, what a great ad this would make for a 4G smartphone network!” So here’s the ad I wrote based upon the Robot Chicken sketch:

In an ad for a smartphone 4G network, a Sci-Fi fan finds Dr. Who’s TARDIS police box, and as they step inside, they find themselves face-to-face with Dr. Who (!), who lets them in, and they go forth into space/time. Well, at first the Sci-Fi fan is amazed, but then they find out the police phone box doesn’t have any apps, it doesn’t let you play games, it lacks most features they love about their cell phone, and worst yet, it doesn’t allow them reception to their mobile network inside of it (so they can’t brag to their friends about meeting Dr. Who, post pictures, tweet, etc.). Dr. Who tries to tell them it’s only because they’re traveling through time and space, etc., but the Sci-Fi fan says: “I’m so over this! Please just let me out so I can get back on my network!” So then they find themselves back on the street, accessing their network just outside of the police box, and then they run into another Sci-Fi fan who sees the police box and says: “Wow! A TARDIS! Wouldn’t it be great if it was really the one from Dr. Who?” And the Sci-Fi fan says: “I thought so too, but this is much better!” (<Pointing at the smartphone.)

A tag could have the second Sci-Fi fan knocking on the door of the police box TARDIS, and Dr. Who says: “Let’s get out of here. People just aren’t impressed anymore like they used to be now that there’s 4G!”

Here’s the Robot Chicken sketch this ad is based on: