Saturday, August 23, 2014

The Mind Opener (The Superhero)

Yes, it’s the Mind Opener, superhero of creativity!

Whenever anyone tries to tell a writer, artist, or whatever creative type, that an idea will never work because of whatever narrow-minded limitation or preconceived notion/prejudice, The Mind Opener materializes on the scene, and with his Sword of Possibilities, he cuts the top of their skull off, saying: “Stop being so closed-minded!”

Well, now that they’re open-minded, you’d think they’d see the error of their ways, and re-evaluate the submissions, but sadly, because their crime was so great (trying to limit creative vision with prejudiced narrow-mindedness), they get the ultimate punishment, which never would have happened if they hadn’t been so closed-minded to begin with. (Oh, the humanity! If only their minds had been more open to creative possibilities!)

Oh, well: it’s their own fault for not being open-minded to begin with.

But despite the body count, at least now creatives have someone to help them fight their battles against closed-minded judgmental people in positions of authority! (Like dirty politicians, they prevent inspiration from progressing!)

Well, now that everyone knows what could happen with narrow-minded prejudice, there’s no excuse to be so closed-minded, so now no-one will ever have taste the bitter steel of: The Mind Opener! (Unless they deserve it; nay, earn it!)

So as we can all see, he really is a superhero and not a super villain! Ever want to see anything new in entertainment? Then support The Mind Opener, hero of new ideas everywhere! (<And deadly enemy to closed-minded bureaucrats everywhere!)