In this spot, intended to trumpet the long life of the Droid phone batteries, a couple on a yacht has their their engine blow up on them, and they have to decide what to do. Well, after the woman asks the man how much time he has left on his smartphone battery, the couple apparently swims (offscreen) to a nearby desert island (How else could they get there but swim?) and lies by a campfire watching some movie on the phone. (And then the phone’s battery dies and they realize they forgot to call for help because of the fantastic-looking display screen and how awesome movies look on it, so they die of starvation: oops! Oh, the humanity. {Just kidding.}) And so the Droid smartphones are apparently waterproof, according to this ad, so if you go swimming with yours and it stops working, I guess now you can sue them for false advertising and get a new phone. Was that the hidden message?
But seriously, if we saw them getting rescued at the end, it might work better. Because that battery will not last forever, and they are still marooned by nightfall? Maybe they really did forget to call for help. But it still begs the question: how did they get the phone to the island without immersing it in the water?
But seriously, if we saw them getting rescued at the end, it might work better. Because that battery will not last forever, and they are still marooned by nightfall? Maybe they really did forget to call for help. But it still begs the question: how did they get the phone to the island without immersing it in the water?
Here’s the soaked & sandy shipwrecked smartphone spot: