Sunday, September 1, 2013

Lotrimin Ultra Jock Itch Cream (Joke) Ad

TCM is showing Alfred Hitchcock movies all day today, and my sister said his name with the cockney-sounding: "Alfred 'itchcock", dropping the 'H' off the name. And that remaining name, "Alfred Itchcock", made me think of jock itch for some reason (although I'm sure I don't know why...). And so I thought: hey, how about an (joke) ad for Lotrimin Ultra (the jock itch formula) using a character named "Alfred Itchcock", who has a problem with noticeable jock itch, and so his friends tell him to try Lotrimin Ultra to solve his problem. And it works so well, he changes his name to "Alfred Hitchcock", and without the nagging irritation of jock itch, his mind is free to blossom, and he becomes a legendary director of suspense films.