Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Durable Jeans Hulk (Joke) Ad

Many jeans companies like to brag about how strong and durable their jeans are. So how about this scenario to communicate the idea of durability: Bruce Banner gets a new pair of (whatever brand of) jeans, and he puts them on. Well, after he puts them on, something enrages him, triggering his transformation into The Incredible Hulk. Oh, but these jeans are so super strong and durable, they won't tear at all, so The Incredible Hulk has his bottom half (excepting his feet, of course) squeezed down to a ridiculous size, prevented from expanding by his jeans. And so he blacks out and collapses from the pain, and then he becomes Bruce Banner again. And then the announcer says: "(Whatever brand of) Jeans: strong enough to suppress The Hulk! Whatever you do, they're strong enough for you too!"

(This could be a real ad too. There are enough ridiculous and silly ads out there. If it were a real ad, it should probably just have the Hulk turn huge everywhere except for where the pants are, so that he looks enormous and muscular everywhere outside of the jeans, but teensy and skinny inside the jeans. That would play for comedy and silliness, with even his ankles and feet expanded way wider than the jeans allow. Then he'd look down at his tiny, skinny legs in a perplexed manner, and the announcer would speak his dialogue.)