Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Updated Levi's Trade Mark?

Levi's jeans have had a trade mark image patch on their jeans for a long time. This trade mark seeks to demonstrate the durability of their product by showing a purported event from years ago where a couple of horses try unsuccessfully to tear a pair of their pants apart. Well, this is a bit outdated nowadays, isn't it? How about an updating of this idea, with a more modern form of transport, like a Segway? Oh, but that might look kind of wimpy, huh? Well, okay, then how about a couple of motorcycles popping wheelies? That would look totally badass! Or, heck, how about a couple of monster trucks? They'd better get on this, before Lee or Wrangler uses it first! (I know it's very silly, but wouldn't it make a fun trade mark to have a couple of motorcycles or monster trucks trying to pull a pair of jeans apart? Maybe for a daredevil line of jeans?)

This is the trade mark I'm referring to:
