Friday, September 13, 2013

Logan’s Run: Our Future, Living in the Mall

Yes, Logan’s Run is on TCM tonight: It’s the movie where a future society all lives in a domed city that’s very much like a shopping mall. And you know, it’s so much like a shopping mall because a lot of the movie was shot in a shopping mall that was under construction. You know, kind of like the great seminal zombie horror film Dawn of the Dead (the original one) was. But it’s not all fun and games, because if you live in the futuristic society from Logan’s Run, you have to voluntarily commit ritual suicide by the age of 30. But when you think about it, if you have to spend your whole life living in a shopping mall, you’d probably be more than happy to off yourself voluntarily by age 30, don’t you think? Although I guess the upside of living there would be that you’d never have to drive or pick your kids up at the mall, since they’d all already be there!