There’s a really fun and
silly horror movie from 1978 starring Katharine Ross and Sam Elliot called The Legacy, and in it, people die
one-by-one in awful ways that nowadays we know how to prevent, for example:
drowning, choking, catching on fire and burning to death, etc. And in seeing it
again, it occurred to me how each death would make a great PSA. The drowning
one could be for encouraging people to learn CPR, the choking one would be for
the Heimlich Maneuver, and the burning to death one would be for that “Stop,
Drop & Roll” move to put yourself out if you catch on fire. But I guess not
everyone remembers this movie these days, so maybe it’s time for a remake?
Think of the lives you could save through the PSAs! In fact, by not remaking The Legacy, and then making these PSAs, aren’t we in Hollywood really indirectly responsible for all accidental deaths from now on?