Sunday, September 15, 2013

William Devane “Family Plot” Gold Ad?

William Devane makes ads for Rosland Capital about investing in gold, but they’re all so serious. But they could be more playful, using some of his movie roles as the basis for the ad. Like, for example, he could make an ad where he plays his role of the diamond thief/kidnapper/extortionist Arthur Adamson from Alfred Hitchcock’s last movie Family Plot (it was just on TCM today), and he’d say: “Investing in precious metals like gold is a fantastic way to stay secure in a volatile stock market and unpredictable economy. And unlike diamonds, which are traceable and can get you in trouble, gold retains its value and can be melted down to hide where it came from! In fact, if I ever get out of prison, I will steal gold exclusively from now on. And you should too!”

Here’s my previous post about a William Devane gold ad using his movie Rolling Thunder: