Friday, September 6, 2013

No American Boots on the Ground in Syria

Secretary of State John Kerry specifically stated in his address to the Senate that there will be “no American boots on the ground” in Syria. So, um, does that mean China is manufacturing our army boots now? Or perhaps we have new rocket-powered hover boots for our soldiers, so they can float just above the ground? Or maybe they’ll wear another type of footwear in combat from now on? Or might they all ride Segways into battle if need be? I know how these sneaky politicians can disguise the truth through their careful word choice.

(The Colbert Report used some of the above jokes on their 9/18/14 show, I was happy to see. I beat them by over a year. But his monologue with all the different shows as props was one of the best things I've ever seen on television: I wish I'd written that!)