Thursday, January 30, 2014

A Drug-Fueled Sex Game Gone Right (Viagra Ad?)

With the news of yet another bogus guilty verdict for Amanda Knox, I am reminded of what the Italian prosecutor claimed was the motive for the murder: a drug-fueled sex game gone wrong. (How ridiculous can you get? That was seriously the suspicion? I mean, honestly… What a twisted and silly imagination Italian prosecutors must have. Maybe they've seen too many Giallo movies?)

Yes, I hate it when those kinds of games go wrong. Although generally, I would venture to guess it more often ends in mere disappointment in most cases, as opposed to murder (otherwise I would think we'd hear about lots more sex-game-gone-wrong murder cases on Nancy Grace as opposed to, oh, I don't know, um, none…). But I think I know a drug that might cut down on the chances of the sex game going wrong: Viagra. So maybe this could be a new ad for them? It could go like this:

We see the exterior of a closed bedroom door, and an announcer says: "We hear a lot about drug-fueled sex games gone wrong. But if you fuel your sex games with our drug, they will always go right!" Then we see the Viagra logo superimposed over the closed bedroom door as we hear the giggling of a man and woman coming from behind it.

Oh, and of course they would have to have the disclaimer: "If your sex game gone right lasts more than four hours, call a doctor to come join in on the fun!"