Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Gatorade Oscars Ad (Proposed)

We see (a fictitious version of) the Oscars, and they are announcing the winner of the Academy Award for Best Actress, and then the camera pans into the audience to look at the faces of the nominees, only to find that four of them are missing, showing only their empty chairs, and when we get to the last nominee, she’s waiting in her chair, and we see the other four nominees sneaking up behind her with a cooler filled with Gatorade, and as the hosts announce her name as the winner of the coveted award, the other nominees douse her with the Gatorade Shower. And then the announcer chimes into say: “The Gatorade Shower: It’s the spirit of victory, given to the winner!” And then, as the tag, we see the winning actress up at the podium to accept the award, soaked to the skin and dripping wet, and she says: “I’d like to thank everyone, and, could I have a towel, please? This stuff is freezing!”

(And wouldn’t it be cathartic for the losing nominees to get to pour freezing cold Gatorade on the one who beat them all, in a couture designer dress with priceless borrowed jewelry?)