Saturday, January 4, 2014

Graphic Details Magazine

CNN said they had new graphic details about actor Paul Walker’s death, so how could they resist presenting them? (Salacious sensationalism sells, don’t you know. And CNN needs ratings badly, apparently.)

But when I heard them say: “Graphic details”, I thought to myself: “Hey, how about Graphic Details magazine?” After all, there’s already a Details magazine, and it could be a spinoff from Details, but filled with only graphic details, for the extra sensational reader!

So Graphic Details magazine could have lots of gory death pictures, autopsy photos, plastic surgery disaster photos, especially all of celebrities, and maybe even exaggerated in Photoshop like magazines already do with cover glamour shots, and lots of stills from movie sex scenes that were cut to get an R-rating, as well as plenty of cameras-through-the-windows pictures of famous people at home who think they have a right to privacy, etc.

Who could ask for anything more? That’s Graphic Details magazine: order your subscription today!