Sunday, January 12, 2014

Dragonheart: Draco vs. Smaug

I just saw The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, and I mostly watched it just to see how well the dragon turned out. Well, he turned out pretty well, but he sure spouts reams of dialog with a British accent, doesn’t he? And so I thought: “Hey, how about a battle between Smaug and another dragon with a British accent: Draco from Dragonheart?” That would be great!

Oh, but seeing as how both of them do more talking than fighting in their movies, they wouldn’t fight so much as they would have a Shakespearean sonnet-reading contest, with the victor declared best dragon thespian. (And the loser would burn everyone to death with his fire breath.)

And I know that Smaug is more recent, but this battle would be more about heart than desolation, so it would have to be called: Dragonheart: Draco vs. Smaug. And of course, Draco would let Smaug win to save the humans, but Smaug would kill them all anyway in his celebration revelry, similarly to how American cities celebrate their sports team winning a championship with deadly rioting.