Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Cat Rescue Dog (New Reality TV Show?)

My sister has a lot of cats. And recently, one of them ran away for days, and she was stressing about it a lot, to the point of panic. So she called some pet rescue lady who has a dog who sniffs the neighborhood to find the lost pet. And what do you know, the dog found the cat! (And in only one day, too!) And so the cat is back home thanks to this dog, and the woman who uses the dog for this purpose. (Apparently they used to be search & rescue for people, but the dog is old now, so they do pet stuff, because it’s not as hard on the dog.)

And so I thought: “Hey, there’s got to be a reality TV show here somewhere!” I mean, right? Everybody loves cat videos, and who doesn’t love dogs? And who isn’t riveted to their TV for search & rescue operations on the news whenever someone gets lost somewhere?

So here’s how this would work: Each week we’d see some cute photos and videos of the lost cat (pre-lost), because everyone loves cat videos, and then we’d see the stressed owner, because everyone loves drama, and then we’d meet the search dog, because everyone loves dogs. And then we’d meet his owner, because everyone loves heroes, and then we’d go about finding the cat. And the dog would find the cat, and everyone would be crying happy. And the show would be called: Cat Rescue Dog. (But then someone would allege that the cats were chased away for ratings, and everyone would have to deny it.)