Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Ally Bank Briefcase Full of Money Ad

In this commercial for Ally Bank, we see someone giving a briefcase full of cash to various people, who all purportedly guard it on their own time without taking any for themselves. And this is used to illustrate that since they didn’t take any money, a bank shouldn’t take any money either. I’d like it if banks didn’t take any money for watching our money too, but I’m not so sure the scenario shown in this commercial is accurately representing reality.

You see, this ad was scripted and played by actors who pretend to be real people on the street, and they are covered with video cameras. In real life, I think this scenario might play out a bit differently. Like, not just with one person making off with the cash (although in this economy, one of them really might try out of necessity), but with someone mugging them for the money. In the ad, they open the briefcase, and we see it’s full of tons of cash, so chances are, someone else would see that too, and they might just make a go for it. Oh, but then the person who gave them the briefcase full of money would come back, find the money missing, and then sue them for it back, even though they didn’t take it, and were probably traumatized and injured in the mugging (!). In fact, the bank’s advertising team might just send some brutal underworld thugs to go extort the money back from the guy who lost it when he was mugged, just like if he owed some big gambling debt to a dangerous mobster or something. And they’d probably break his legs just to teach him a lesson (!!).

You know, it’s really reckless and unfair of Ally Bank to put these people in such danger like this. Maybe I was wrong and it’s all real! Wow, these people might have been murdered for all that cash! What irresponsible dolts would do such a thing to unsuspecting honest people? Also, how long did they leave the money with people for? Someone may have been on their way to work, and because of watching this money, they were very late, and they got fired! And in this economy, too! Now they’ll have to turn to a life of crime just to provide for their family! Wow, how inconsiderate of Ally Bank to do this! How monstrous! I think we should all sue them for reckless endangerment and depraved indifference in so willfully disregarding people’s lives and safety like this just to make a TV commercial! (Oh, I’m just kidding.)

So if anyone from Ally Bank accosts you on the street and tries to hand you a briefcase full of cash to watch, you’ll know what they’re up to, so either grab it and run, or else yell: “Oh my God! Look at all that cash you have there in that briefcase! It must be at least a million dollars! I hope you don’t get robbed!” And then walk away quickly without even touching it.

Here’s the inconsiderate commercial: