Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Videodrome and Gun Control

Well it’s clear now: those leftys are going to take all your guns. And that’s why gun owners now need guns that the government can’t take! And you know what that means, right? Bio-guns!

That’s right, bio-guns: guns that are part of your body, so they can never be taken away, short of amputation! Movie director David Cronenberg has shown us the way in his visionary film Videodrome, the message of which is obviously that we must have guns become part of our very bodies to protect our gun rights! (I think that’s what the message is supposed to be, right?)

Yes, the next step to guarantee gun rights is bio-guns! Long live the new flesh! (New flesh guns, that is.)

Here is what the new flesh gun looks like:

And here is where you’ll keep your new flesh gun: