Friday, January 18, 2013

Waiting for Superman

Hey, everybody loves superheroes and wants to know more about their private lives, right? Well, how about a new movie called: Waiting for Superman (using a similar title to that education documentary {but without the quotation marks around Superman, because this movie really would be about the Superman) that's about what waiters think of Superman. Hey, he might be a great champion of Truth, Justice, and the American Way while he's working, but when he eats out at restaurants, maybe he's a jerk to the wait staff, a lousy tipper, super picky about his food so it always gets sent back a million times before he'll eat it, etc. And who knows: maybe he's always trying to brag about his strength to impress his dates, so he's constantly bending the silverware and tying it in knots, or sexually harassing waitresses by using his x-ray vision to look at them naked and tell them what color underwear they're wearing, etc. And this movie could be a TMZ-esque expose on Superman's scandalous behavior, especially made for the schadenfreude all those disgruntled villains out there.

I can see it now, with some frustrated restaurant owner saying something like: "Yeah, Superman saved the day when I was being held up that time, but when he comes here to eat, he trashes the place worse than the wiseguys in Goodfellas!", or some waitress saying: "You know, I really appreciated him saving me in the nick of time when I was tied down to the railroad tracks, but that doesn't give him the right to use his super-vision to undress me with his eyes in front of everyone: I'm not a piece of meat, you know! And just because you saved me, it doesn't mean you own me!"