Monday, January 14, 2013

Combination Geico/Charmin Ad?

Hey, how about two companies combining to advertise two products at once in one TV commercial? Think of the money they could save on buying television advertising spots! And I believe I have an idea for a simple solution for one of these two-for-one TV ads, using pre-existing ad campaigns from two companies: Geico and Charmin. Here’s how it would work:

The ad would start with that annoying TV news magazine-esque man in a suit asking: “Could switching to Geico really save you 15% or more on car insurance? Do bears sh!t in the woods?” Then they could cut to one of those Charmin ads with the cartoon bears going to the bathroom outdoors and using Charmin. See how naturally it would all flow?

Here’s one of those Geico ads:

And here’s one of the Charmin bear ads: