As we know, Congress has cancelled the F-22. I know it was a
ridiculously overpriced airplane that was intentionally designed to have parts
made all over the place in practically every state in the union for the purpose
of earmarks for re-election of incumbents, but hey: The Avengers used it to defeat Loki, right? How are we going to
defeat Loki next time without F-22s? I mean, it’s like we’re practically inviting Loki here to try to conquer the Earth again. And you
know, I’m surprised no-one in Congress used this argument to keep the F-22
afloat. Because we might as well keep making it, as we’re spending money we can
never pay back anyway, so what’s the difference? Then we can use it to
intimidate our creditors into not asking for their payments when they come due.
Or is that what The Avengers are
for? (That’s how I always avoid paying my credit card bills: The
Avengers! Hey, maybe that can be the next Avengers movie: Fighting credit card companies for their
predatory policies! {They must be controlled by Loki, the fiends!})
(Yes, I just saw The Avengers tonight for the first time. Hey, man: I’m too busy to see movies on
time anymore, so get off my back!)