Thursday, January 31, 2013

New Republican Youth Strategy?

It is well known that young people are mostly liberal, so it’s difficult for Republicans to gain a foothold with this constituency. But recent developments have given Republicans a new inroad possibility. School kids hate the new “healthy” school food mandated by the Democrats, and this is something that affects young people every day. So why not have the Republicans try to win over young voters early, before they’re even allowed to vote, by saying: “The Republican Party: We won’t make you eat that yucky health crap!”

Hey, it’s one of the only issues that might allow Republicans to connect with young Americans, so they really ought to take advantage of it! All they’d have to do is say something like: “Think government mandated school lunches are hard to swallow? Wait until you get out of school and have to stomach government meddling in every other aspect of your life! Vote Republican, and remove the bitter taste of the Nanny State ninnies!”

(Of course, with Republicans, you get a whole other can of worms intruding into your lives and restricting other behavior, but that’s another story… Plus, it doesn’t make sense to publicize a party’s negative characteristics in their big sell. Everyone will find out about that stuff later anyway if they vote them in.)

Here are a couple of news stories illustrating the yucky school lunch issue: