In this proposed ad for an antifungal cream or ointment, the
word “fungus” would be personified as “Fun Gus”, and “Fun Gus” would be
characterized as the kind of guy who always comes over uninvited, loves to
crash parties, always overdoes his celebratory revelry and marry-making, annoys
the hell out of everyone, never knows when to leave, etc. And once “Fun Gus”
comes over, he never wants to leave! And so once “Fun Gus” invites himself over
and arrives, it’s like a non-stop annoying, awful party that you want to end,
but it just keeps going on and on and on, and it’s completely miserable!
Oh, but once you use (whatever brand of antifungal medication), it’s like a
bouncer who immediately throws “Fun Gus” out! And this bouncer, the
personification of this antifungal medication, is very strong and extremely
intimidating to “Fun Gus” while at the same time being the perfect friend and
custodian to your feet! So whenever “Fun Gus” comes over and gets the joint
jumpin’ and the place hoppin’, and you can’t relax, or focus on what you’re
doing, or you can’t sleep from all the irritation and annoying racket, this
trusty super-strong bouncer friend of yours will come over and kick “Fun Gus”
out and give you peace of mind and peace and quiet again!