Sunday, April 28, 2013

“Mean Girls” Delta Gamma Sorority Letter

Boy, everyone sure is bashing young college student Rebecca Martinson, a Delta Gamma sorority president, just because she wrote one of the most hilariously abusive letters ever. But as she is quite possibly the Neill Cumpston of sorority letter writers, and as she has provided us all with laughs aplenty, I think perhaps she should be honored, not bashed. An article I read today suggests she won’t even be able to find a job after this. But when was the last time someone has provided so much entertainment to so many with the simple written word, and at so low a cost? (You can’t get a lower cost than free!) She is a master of letters! And she hasn’t even gotten royalties for her humorous writing.

Well, if she’s not going to be welcome in corporate America, then I have a suggestion for her: Start your own company! Yes, Rebecca Martinson could start an online company where people can hire her to write letters and emails to people they’re mad at, like cell phone companies, banks, etc., when they screw up people’s service, ruin their credit, bill them ridiculously high amounts and refuse to fix the problem, etc. Why, Ms. Martinson could unload on people and companies who screw other people up, and word these letters in such a way as to really make a mark and leave a lasting impression! And who knows, they might even make it onto the news, just like her sorority letter did, and shine a light on corrupt or incompetent corporate practices.

So come on, Rebecca! Remember, every problem is also an opportunity, and every ending is also a beginning!