Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Hospital Robot Deaths

I heard on the news this evening that robots designed to help during surgery have been causing some deaths here and there, and they’re trying to find out why. Well, I know why, and I’ll tell you. You see, these are the first generation Terminators (like from the movie The Terminator), and they’re practicing killing people while they’re waiting for John Connor to be born, just so nobody will suspect anything out of the ordinary when they kill him.

Yes, you see, what’s going to happen is that John Connor will be born in a hospital, and one of these Terminator robots will disguise itself as a baby monitor, and then it will attempt to kill baby John Connor. Oh, but a nurse will notice this and exclaim: “Oh, my God: It’s a Transformer, and it’s killing a baby!” And upon hearing this, the Terminator will say: “Transformer? I’m a f*cking Terminator! How dare you call me a Transformer!” And thus insulted, then it will break off its attack on John Connor and chase the nurse down the hall, thus saving John Connor’s life, and by extension, saving the world and the human race! And so Transformers will save the world, just not in the way they thought.