Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Mr. Minoxidil (An Advertising Mascot for Minoxidil)

Hey everybody, Minoxidil is off-patent, so anybody can make and sell it, apparently. So how about a generic advertising mascot for Minoxidil? He could be called “Mr. Minoxidil”, and he could have some thick, lush mane of hair, and be like some hair metal rock star type who gets all the hot ladies because of all the hair he’s got. And then that could brainwash everyone else into thinking all you need to meet hot women is hair. (I don’t think it really works that way after a certain age, if at all, but hey, who’s complaining about truth in advertising anyway?) And if everyone who wants to make and market Minoxidil products for preventing hair loss chipped in a few bucks together, they could all invest in this advertising campaign! (It would be like crowdsourcing for advertising! And if this worked, then maybe all the burger joins, pizzerias, acne medications, etc., could all chip in together to make ads that help everyone in the same line of work: that way everyone wins! {Or is that too communist for American advertising?})