Friday, April 19, 2013

Michele Bachmann Is Performance Art?

People have been slandering Michele Bachmann recently, and I really feel I must speak up here, even if it ruins her act. And I'm sorry, Michele, if I'm spoiling it for you, but I just don't think people are appreciating what you're trying to do. Because many liberal news people, from Anderson Cooper and other CNN reporters, to MSNBC and even Bill Maher, have been pretty vicious in their condemnation of Michele Bachmann lately, claiming that she's making up facts, intentionally lying, being generally crazy, etc. But this is just an outright distortion here, although Michele might like this response even better anyway. You see, the thing is, Michele Bachmann can't actually be held to such a realistic factual standard, because she is (sorry to ruin it) really only performance art.

The fact is, Michele Bachmann doesn't really exist: she's a character played by a comedian who stays in character all the time, kind of like when Andy Kaufman did the whole wrestling thing with Jerry Lawler in the early 1980s. Nobody understood that wrestling joke either at the time, but now everybody thinks it was brilliant. Well, in a few years down the road, everyone's going to laugh and laugh about Michele Bachmann, and how clever it all was to get elected as a make-believe exaggerated conservative know-nothing candidate who pulled facts out of thin air and stuff and really was in Congress. It's the ultimate in performance art! But we won't even get the chance to really appreciate it in all its ironic comedic glory if people let the cat out of the bag now! Once everyone knows it's just a character, like Ali G., or Borat, nobody will even believe in it enough to appreciate the fine subtle parody of the persona, or the fact that she pulled the wool over everyone's eyes for so long. And that would be a shame, after she got away with it for so long!

Look, how could anyone really believe that there was actually a Republican politician who was so extreme in her conservatism, and despite being devoutly anti-gay, she still managed to marry an obviously gay man who, on top of it all, purportedly runs a Christian gay conversion therapy business? It's obviously just a joke! What else could it be? You can't honestly fall for that, can you? It's just going to make everyone who fell for it look that much stupider when she and her gay comedian friend finally break character, once her "Michele Bachmann" character eventually loses a re-election race, and go on a comedy club tour to expose the whole act! Man, a lot of people are sure going to be embarrassed when that happens! (It is just a performance art character, right? It's the only thing that makes sense!)

So I guess what I'm saying is this: Please, liberal pundits and critics, stop asking Michele Bachmann to produce her sources, or else everyone is going to catch on that this is just a character she's playing. Because after all, when so much stuff someone says ends up being made up, surely even true believers will end up catching on, right? And that will spoil the surprise for everyone. Because after all, something like this is only funny as long as people believe in it, and the more people catch on, the less funny it is later on. So please news people, don't spoil this wonderful performance art joke for future generations by being too picky about answers and facts and references from Michele Bachmann; otherwise, you're going to ruin all her hard work to get this character far enough to really critique our contemporary conservative culture. (Seriously, without a joke performance art character to prove it was really like this, no-one will ever believe there were people like this in future generations. And remember, we can only avoid repeating our past mistakes if we remember them!)