Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Carnage News Network

Wow, there sure is a whole lot of bloody, gory pictures on CNN of the Boston Marathon bombing. It's almost like their ratings are low and they're trying to sensationalize things as much as possible. I've watched more CBS News for this story, mainly because CNN got so much of the Newtown Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting facts wrong while it was being reported live, so I lost my patience and went over to CBS News, where they were correct about everything from the get-go and didn't have to retract anything, as I recall. And so I have followed this story mainly on CBS News, who have handled it with the utmost class and sensitivity from what I saw. Oh, but CBS News is not on all the time, so I switched over to CNN, only to find the most horrifically bloodstained, gory pictures and video imaginable. It was a bit egregious, if you ask me; and I'm not exactly one to talk about bad taste, with the silly, extreme jokes I make on this blog. (But they're jokes, not news.)

So I couldn't help but wonder: Is the ultra-gory coverage of the Jodi Arias trial on HLN bleeding over into the sensibilities at CNN? I mean, after all, HLN has huge ratings with that tawdry, horrific slasher-esque sensationalism & gore show trial, leaving CNN in the dust. So, um, maybe if they can get a little blood and gore in that dust, people will stampede over to watch CNN again? Sensationalism, here we come! That's CNN: Carnage News Network!