Wednesday, December 25, 2013

A Christmas Clairol: Clairol Christmas Ad (Proposed)

In this A Christmas Carol-based ad for Clairol hair dye, a woman who is the boss of her own company is grouchy all the time because she is unhappy with her hair, and she is always complaining about it. Oh, but one fateful Christmas night at home in her bed, she is visited by 3 spirits of beautiful hair: the Spirit of Blonde, the Spirit of Brunette, and the Spirit of Redhead; and these spirits show her how wonderful her life would feel if she could make her hair look the way she'd like it to, showing her hair one after the other, as a blonde, a brunette, and a redhead, each time with a completely different hairstyle as well. And, waking the next morning to the revelation that the hair of her dreams is a reality at last with Clairol, she becomes a new and happy person, delighting everyone she meets and completely warming up her whole sphere of influence. (And her company goes from black & white film at the beginning to bright color film at the end, with the dream sequences shown in B&W with color in the hair.)